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CNC Machining for Aerospace

The extremely high level of precision needed within the aerospace industry makes CNC machining a suitable manufacturing process for the sector.


This article provides you with a complete guide to aerospace machining and its importance.



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Surface Finishes

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CNC Machining eBook

If you want to produce high-quality machined parts with a sleek appearance, it’s essential to consider some critical factors related to CNC machining. 


Here, we’ve gathered some basic information and important considerations to help you achieve the desired results.

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Instant Quote for Sheet Metal Fabrication and New Homepage

Exciting news from RapidDirect!  We’ve rolled out two exciting updates to enhance your manufacturing journey. 

  • Instant Quote for Sheet Metal Fabrication
  • A brand-new Homepage Experience

Surface Finishes
We Offer

High-quality surface finishing services improve your part’s aesthetics and functions regardless of the manufacturing process used. Deliver quality metal, composites, and plastic finishing services so you can bring the prototype or part you dream of to life.
Surface FinishesDescriptionServicesApplicable Materials
surface-finish-as-machinedAs Machined Standard finish, surface roughness of 3.2 μm (126 μin), removes sharp edges and deburs parts cleanly.CNC machining, Sheet metal fabricationMetals, Plastics
surface-finish-sand-blastingSand Blasting Powerfully propels blast media against surfaces to remove coatings and impurities.CNC machining, Sheet metal fabricationMetals, Plastics
surface-finish-tumblingTumbling Utilizes barrel or vibratory processes with abrasives to smooth and polish the surface of parts.CNC Machining, Sheet metal fabricationMetals, Plastics, Glass
electropolish-finishElectropolish Electrochemical process that smoothens, polishes, and deburrs metal surfaces to a high gloss.CNC machiningStainless steel, Copper, Aluminum
surface-finish-heat-treatmentHeat Treatment Alters the physical (and sometimes chemical) properties of a material to achieve desired mechanical properties.CNC machiningMetals
surface-finish-alodineAlodine Chemical treatment process providing corrosion protection and surface preparation for paint adhesion.CNC machining, Sheet metal fabricationAluminum, Aerospace Alloys
anodizing-surface-finishAnodizing Electrochemical process that forms a durable, corrosion-resistant oxide layer on the surface of metals.CNC Machining, Sheet metal fabricationAluminum
surface-finish-teflon-coatingTeflon Coating Applies a protective layer of PTFE to reduce friction and enhance corrosion resistance.CNC machining, Sheet metal fabrication, Injection moldingMetals, Plastics
surface-finish-black-oxidizeBlack Oxidize Chemical bath that creates a black oxide coating on metal to improve corrosion resistance.CNC machining, Sheet metal fabricationSteel, Iron
table icon 1Electroless Plating Deposition of a metal coating on substrates using an autocatalytic chemical process.CNC machining, Injection molding, 3D printingMetals, Plastics
surface-finish-electroplatingElectroplating Uses electric current to reduce dissolved metal cations to form a coherent metal coating.CNC machining, Sheet metal fabricationMetals
surface-finish-paintingPainting Application of paint for aesthetic improvements and protective coatings.CNC machining, Sheet metal fabrication, Injection molding, 3D printingMetals, Plastics, Wood
surface-finish-passivationPassivation Chemical treatment to enhance the corrosion resistance of metals by removing free iron from the surface.CNC machining, Sheet metal fabricationStainless Steel, Other Corrosion-resistant Alloys
surface-finish-powder-coatingPowder Coating Dry finishing process using powdered paint to provide a high-quality, durable finish.CNC machining, Sheet metal fabrication, Injection moldingMetals, Some Plastics
surface-finish-electrophoresisElectrophoresis Coating process using charged particles suspended in a solvent, typically for uniform finishes.CNC machining, Sheet metal fabricationMetals, Ceramics
surface-finish-brushedBrushed Finish Mechanical polishing that produces a unidirectional satin finish.CNC machining, Sheet metal fabricationMetals
surface-finish-moldSPI Finish SPI Finish standardizes surface textures on plastic parts, offering finishes from high-gloss to matte, ensuring consistent aesthetics and functionality in injection molding.Injection moldingPlastics

Perfect Your Project's Finish

Your designs deserve the best. Enhance durability and appeal with our various finishing options. Part surfacing finishing techniques can either be for functional or aesthetic purposes. Each technique has requirements, such as materials, color, texture, and price. Step up the quality of your projects today!
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RapidDirect is proficient in facilitating the production and prototyping of large machined parts, be it metal or plastic. We boast a substantial CNC machining build envelope measuring 2000 mm x 1500 mm x 300 mm. This ensures we can accommodate even sizable parts, including those tailored for furniture or architectural applications.

RapidDirect is proficient in facilitating the production and prototyping of large machined parts, be it metal or plastic. We boast a substantial CNC machining build envelope measuring 2000 mm x 1500 mm x 300 mm. This ensures we can accommodate even sizable parts, including those tailored for furniture or architectural applications.

RapidDirect is proficient in facilitating the production and prototyping of large machined parts, be it metal or plastic. We boast a substantial CNC machining build envelope measuring 2000 mm x 1500 mm x 300 mm. This ensures we can accommodate even sizable parts, including those tailored for furniture or architectural applications.

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